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The contact us page is for you to express your thoughts. As you know, this website is intended to give you the best and most current information on building a computer, and making the process as easy as possible. But, sometimes, we miss the mark. In an attempt to correct this matter; we are requesting your input to resolve any situations that might arise. Should you have any suggestions, or comments, we urge you to use the form at the bottom of the page to contact us. We will carefully consider any input and update this website accordingly.

Buildacomputer101.com has many links to other websites for additional information. This helps us provide the broadest base of knowledge possible. We are always looking to improve this resource. Those of you who are webmasters or owners of other websites with a similar focus as ours, and are interested in link sharing, go to Links and Portals and add your website.

As always, it is necessary to pay the bills. Those of you, who are interested in advertising on this website, use this form to contact us.

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