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When trying to find a computer store the local retail outlet will usually provide the best personal attention and will work with you on building your computer. This is one of the major computer store services which they have to offer. If they are not willing to support your efforts they are not worth dealing with. Look for a different computer parts store. Buildacomputer101.com has put together a list of major computer parts stores with their phone numbers, and since most have websites we've included their web addresses. In order to find a computer store in your area you should contact them and find out if they are local. If not, there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of local mom and pop computer shops all over the country. They can be found in your local phone book, and on the Internet. The next step is to talk with a technician at one of these stores and get input from him about their computer store services. Remember he may be trying to sell you the parts that he has in stock, not necessarily the parts you want or need. Though his information may be good, take your time and consider it carefully.

  1. Best Buy is a large retail chain with over 1300 stores in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Mexico. It also is an online source for electronics, televisions, DVD players, home audio, car audio, computers, cameras, music, movies, software, games and more. Contact them in order to find a computer store in your area.

    WEBSITE    www.bestbuy.com

    TELEPHONE NUMBER    1-888-BEST BUY (1-888-237-8289)

    I have bought a number of parts from my local Best Buy store when I needed them in a hurry. Also, I've had no problems with returns. I do not use their online store because I have found their selection is limited, and other stores have better pricing.

  2. Radio Shack has over 6000 retail outlets in the United States and else ware, but it only devotes a small portion of each store to computers, computer parts, and software. Its main business is diversified into all sorts of electronics, phones, TV's, music and players, batteries, and miscellaneous electronic parts. Because of its size each store only has a limited amount of computers and computer parts. While it is a good source for some supplies, it is not known for attractive pricing. Radio Shack also maintains much larger inventory for its website, but here again it is not known for any price advantage. Contact them in order to find a computer store in your area.

    WEBSITE    www.radioshack.com

    TELEPHONE NUMBER    1-800-THE SHACK (1-800-843-7422)

    From time to time I will pick up some parts and accessories at my local Radio Shack. In general the results are satisfactory, but the price is not very advantageous. They are there when you need them, it's convenient.

  1. Micro Center has 22 retail stores around the United States, and a larger online sales operation. Many of these stores are located in or near major cities. While they sell many other electronic items they do have a larger selection of computers, related computer parts, and offer technical support.

    WEBSITE    www.microcenter.com

    TELEPHONE NUMBER     1-800-743-7537

    I've never had the opportunity to shop at this chain or at their online outlet, so I am unable to offer a review about them. It would be appreciated if you would share your thoughts and write a review of the Micro Center, their retail stores and online operation. When accepted it will be published on this page.

  2. CompUSA is a new and reorganized retail operation with about 30 stores located in the southeastern United States, Illinois and Puerto Rico. It has also kept and expanded its online retail presence. While it has a large product base of consumer electronics, they really specialize in computers, computer parts, and software. Although this chain has downsized and sold off over 100 retail stores in 2007, they now seem to be trying to create an important presence in the computer retail industry. During the reorganization CompUSA became a wholly owned subsidiary of Systemax Inc. This is important because Systemax owns several retail computer chains. Contact them in order to find a computer store in your area.

    WEBSITE    www.compusa.com

    TELEPHONE NUMBER     1-800-COMP USA (1-800-266-7872)

    At one time a few years ago I would shop extensively at CompUSA, always with good results. Since the reorganization I do not have a local store and therefore no experience with them. Although, their online operation looks impressive, I have found other online operations that I prefer. It would be very informative if you, having greater experience with this computer store would provide a review.

Some of the online and local retail stores publish a daily or weekly flier promoting their sales and the products that they are discounting. You’ll never know when you’ll run into that piece of hardware that you’ve been searching for. Subscribe to these, they are chock full of valuable computer store information, and some really good prices. This is done by providing your e-mail address. I try to subscribe to everything I can; it’s a wealth of good information.

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